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Why I became a Story Teller


G'day. I'm an Aussie story teller who has worked in many places, in various roles that usually related to my tech background. Just before Covid hit our world, cancer & chemo blew my world apart. Sadly, that wasn't the greatest pain I suffered in that season of my life. One of the greatest things to help me heal has been becoming a story teller.

I wrote my first story 'The Dream Walker' as I learned to dream again. I do not call myself an author or writer. I am a story teller. And I have a great story to tell.


I write thrillers filled with everyday characters who change the world, though there are always complications. Each standalone novel intersects the others across a universe of heroes & villains, laughter & tears, mystery & action, where anything is possible. I hope you enjoy my stories & are even inspired by them.

One of my favourite short stories is of a little girl throwing starfish back into the ocean after millions washed up on the sand one night. 

An old man walking by asked her, "What difference can you make?"

The girl picked up another beached starfish and threw it into the foamy water as she said, "I made a difference to that one!"


If I can do likewise for one person who reads my books, my stories are worth telling.

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